
the best halloween ever. >shopping >setup for party >party 1) steph & co. toilet paper lynsi's car. 2) JD & co. write shit on stephs car. 3) me and lyns toilet paper stephs car. 4) me and lyns get blamed for the writing. 5) we tell them we didnt do it, we're cool. 6) steph & co. toilet paper lynsi's car again. 7) lynsi gets reaaally po'ed, so i smeared makeup on stephs doorhandles. a totally lame retaliation i know, but it was all i could do. talk about immature.
Read 14 comments
Hello! I'm kinda new here and I just thought I would stop by to say hello! Love your journal and yay for The Used! :) Happy Halloween!
haha ooh you smeared makeup on doorhandles... harsh. i looove halloween. happy halloween!

party on!

his names Tucker :] do you have a dog?
can you pease help me get the entrys on this side? i hate it on the right side
sorry that was me last comment i was on my other ugly diary

help please?
no i don't have milk...we just ran out.
jk!!! i like your diary!!!!!!
happy HELLoween!!! long time no talk wass up ? ♥
Sounds like way more drama than I could've handled but I'm glad you had a good time! =)

The new background is "dose".

I REALLY like ur journal
haha sounds like you had a fun halloween! :]

awww, we have the same header pic :]

we must be really cool seeing as how we both like TBS ..holla!!

a l i*
it's the code for the little box around the links ..i hope you still have it

a l i*
yea. well they are mostly brand new. and if they dont know brand new they dont deserve to live.


Hey Sunni, i got my tele on saturday its really nice like vintage white. Ill post a pic of it on my sit soon..bye
