I love him!!!

Landen is so cute and he is so good for me! I don't know how i ever survived without him in my life. He always can make me smile and he is constantly telling me how beautiful i am and how much he loves me. Why does life have to be this way. I wish it were four years and ten months from now so i could be married to Landen and I wouldn't have to worry about him or me. I am worried about him because he has all these girls that want him back home and he has already kissed a couple of them. I want him to move on with his life but it so hard to let him go when i love him so much! AHHH! why can't life be more simple and less complicated?!? I am worried about myself because i really think that i am falling for this jason guy. i am not in love or anything just a smallish crush, but still i feel confused, and i don't know how to tell landen this without him freaking out and thinking that i hate him because i am so far from hating landen it isn't even funny. I love him...i just have a crush on another guy! Oh something happy. I got a letter from this guy i know who is on a mission. It is the first letter i have gotten from him and it was great! he is so awesome and i can't wait for him to come back and to see how much he has changed. I am so happy he is on a mission and i know he is dong well. Anyhoo, about my date last night. it was so much fun. we went to the choir concert and that was awesome! I really like to listen to boys sing and they did some pretty funny stuff also. They did a wonderful job. After the concert i called for pizza and we walked back to my place. We being Jason and me, and byran and Emily. The boys messed around with the magnets i have on my fridge and made funny sayings...it was great. Then we went and picked up the pizza and got it home and it wasn't even cut so I started to cut it, but then Jason offered to finish and he dished up everyones pizza for them, and poured the root beer it was so cute! i made a fool of myself when i went to ask jason to pray for the food. i wanted to say, as a priesthood holder will you bless the food, but what came out was, will you offer a priesthood blessing on the food! WOW! needless to say we laughed for about ten minutes before the prayer was actually said! Then after we ate we played the funnest game in the world called 'what if?' It was so much fun just like it always is. Even though bryan was being a jerk face! he has the biggest crush on me and i just can't get him to back off. grrr! anyhoo after we played what if, we played another game called wackie six! we played in couples and Jason and I were the only ones that knew how to play and we still got our buts kicked, go figure. After that we had ice cream and Jason did the cutest thing. Well he dished up everyones ice cream for them and then i always stir my vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup up and i was the only one who did and i made some stupid comment about how i was the only one who stirred their ice cream and jason was like ohh i haven't done that since i was little. and he stirred his ice cream with me so i wouldn't feel stupid! he was so cute. he was like "it is just like a frostie! i like frosties!" Oh man he is so cute! and all night he was being so nice and there was no akwardness at all i loved it! Anyhoo after the ice cream we played spazuno, or better know to my friends and the hit yourself game! it was tons of we i have never laughed so hard in my life!(the big yellow one is the sun!) we played the cup game after that too and that was very interesting also! :) By that time it was time for them to go home and so emily and i walked them to their appartments. I went with Jason and he showed my his place kind of and I gave him a hug and said thanks for coming with me i had so much fun! He said that he had tons of fun also and he was very glad that i invited him! So for me it ended up being a really good date and i am so glad that i asked Jason to go with me. He was such a gentleman and was so nice to me even though i am six years younger than him. Yeah so that was the brief over view of my date last night, and now i have to go to a performance and see Jason again! Yeah!!! I am so excited. Talk to you later!
Read 2 comments
hey, Leza! yeah, it's me.
I'm so glad you had fun Friday night!!!
talk to you later, babe.

like my name? i thought it was creative.
Ur head pic. is so beautiful!! AWWwww... it's so Purrty!!