Listening to: Matchbook Romance- Your Stories, My Alibis
Feeling: blasphemous
I so wish I was at Coachella. It sucks. Muse is prolly playing soon. And Matthew Bellamy is just so hot, and they are just so good. I wish I could drive!
So Rachel just called me and appointed me a board member. Cool, that means more hours, but I now I have to go to this thing tomorrow from 2-5 *snore*. And Grace's thing is at 5. So I'm either gonna have to leave early (although that shouldn't be too bad since its 3 freakin hours long) or I would miss part of 13 Going on 30. Which would suck. A lot. And there's a board meeting on Tuesday. I think I have a math test next week too. And there's that english essay and I have to read like 20 more pages of 1984. Oh well at least all next week I can look forward to the season finale of Alias.
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