Thirty Two

Listening to: Michael Buble - Home
Feeling: smug
I just watched American Idol tonight (yes, i succumbed to the pressure!!) I was watching NCIS and it was just on.. so I just watched it in between commercial breaks. Um.. I think I've found a new (and possibly better) JPL. The season with JPL was really the only season I watched AI regularly. But oh my goodness, David Radford, he is adorably charming. He looks a teensy bit like JJ Redick. But I love his voice, too. I would buy his cd if he made one. I love Chicago, and the fact that it was the Chicago auditions tonight was kind of weird. The last few days I've kind of missed Chicago. That's kind of weird since I've only been there once. But downtown Chicago, wow, the greatest place I've ever been. Kind of sad I won't be going to Northwestern for at least 4 years. But I've got the Bruins, right? They're playing USC tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to that. Or I was, before everyone got hurt. But yeah.. um.. David Radford! I'm voting for him all season. They filmed at his house and whatnot, so hopefully that's a good sign that he's made it pretty far. Simon actually liked him, too, which is pretty awesome.
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