drop the drama

their is not ? that teenage years are filled with drama. on the other hand there is also no doubt that making the decision to drop at lest so of the drama can equate to a much happier and more peaceful life. we often allow ourselves to get all worked up and bothered about things that on a second look are not really that big a deal after all. a friend fo example might make a mistake or say something wrong. rather than forget about it and get on with our day we allow ourselves to feel offended and annoyed. we think about the mistake during the rest of the day, feeling more and more justified in our irritation. many of us might even go home and tell others about it or call a friend to commiserate rather than simply letting it go. the problem with sweating the small stuff is that there is and always will be an endless supply of things to sweat over. there always will be friends making mistakes, strangers cutting us off, thing being lost, plans going astray, and all the rest. pretty soon we are sweating everything and life seems to be one drama right after amother. as u learn to let some or these things go i will find urself experiencing far less stress and aggravation. u will be left with more mental energy and creativity in order to live life to its fullest. this goes to everyone and i mean evenyone if u are reading this and u are thinking of a situation that has to do with other people just dont for get u are gulty of it to.
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hey are you gonna add me back on?? i deleted my whole thing and started over. my last entry is bout my well chrissys birthday weekend. lol. love ya foeva and fo always. ttyl