Lounging Around

Hey everyone, hope you are all having a good day! I'm at my dad's bored out of my brain! I go home tonight though, CUZ MY CAR IS FIXED!!! YAY!! I have money now, but I have to save it up for stuff..it stinks, cuz its burning a hole in my pocket! I have to save for a computer, but before I buy that, I have to buy a plane ticket for South Carolina in the next couple of weeks and I need to sign up for the gym...I hate having and wanting to do all of these things, and they require money! Money is dumb! Well....SO I still have 2 college apps to do! AGH!!!! I am so stressed and I really don't like myself lately...Food is evil! Well, I better get going...Hope y'all are well. I'm out!
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I'm praying for you... cast all your cares upon the Lord! If you ever wanna talk, you know where I'm at. Have an awesome night!
don't worry about it everything will work out in the end...just trust in God! Have a good week...oh wait of course you will cuz its my birthday on Thursday !haha lyl luv Felecia