College Days

Hey y'all..haven't written anything on here in forever!..I just have felt ya know... I'm at college now! I @a great Christian Univeristy and I am super excited! I love it here. It is beautiful, the people are great and it is new and different, but awesome to have everything focused on Jesus! Even in my math class we tie everything back to God! How odd is that? Well, I've been doing alright being far away from home. Its not that bad because I have my best friends here. I'm rooming with Becca which is going well. I am suprised cuz I thought we might kill each other, but its great!! Well, I'm really excited to see what God has planned for me and what he is going to work in me! I've been having a bit of a hard time with being lonely...I'm not homesick, its more of a everyone has a bf/fiance/spouse thing, and I'm wanting my companion to come along!...So I was a bit discouraged, but I talked with God, and I guess he's just wanting me to be all about him first before he sends me who i'm supposed to be with!..Heck, it might be a bit lonely, but if it means meeting the man of my dreams..HEY its worth it... Well, I guess I better run..time to spend a bit more time with Jesus and read some Old Testament for homework! TTYL! ...~Aubs~ UPDATE!!!!: I have two new babies in my life!!! I am a godmother and a cousin(again!!) ... My goddaughter is:Jessy Cindonna Aubrey Sinsmyr She was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on 9/26 My cousin is: Luke Paul Goodrich He was born in New Hampshire @ 2:01 pm on 9/28 7lbs 4 oz 19 1/2" long!!
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hi.. thanks for your comment in my journal. i don't know u but u seem really awesome! haha. what christian college are u going to? i'm look at them...
i just wanted to thank you for the time you took to message my friend [sikboy] it really means a lot to the both of us.
please check up on him and keep in touch. have a wonderful evening.
xo. jess
please go to this link.
please read these three short entries written by my friend, a cancer patient. pray to your god if you pray.
please leave a note with something nice to say. he needs to know people care. he needs inspiration. don.t say sorry.
i can.t make him feel this by myself.
i need your help.

sorry if already left this here. spread the word.