
Listening to: Caedmon's Call
Feeling: perfect
Rene just called me... She's moving out of her house in April. We've talked about being roommates. But I don't want a roommate living in the house that I'm in now. That's just me being honest. The Kromer's have told me that if the house is a burden, I don't have to stay there. Rene wants to move into these apartments downtown that are super nice and super cheap. How cool would it be to live downtown? But my mom would probably freak out. And do I really want a roommate? I think it would be good for Rene to have me as a roommate. She needs some stability and a fellow Christian. Would it be beneficial for me? I think her and I would have a great time together. I think we would be an encouragement together. Do I want to live all the way out there though? I mean, there's other options. We could look for other apartments around Omaha. And then I think, oh, I'm just being a baby. Yarges drives all the way from 30th and California to go to work. Gene drives from stinkin' Treynor, IA. It wouldn't be THAT bad. It would be fun. But is it an adventure that I would be willing to take? Is living with Rene gonna be like another Brooke episode? I think that's my real fear. Maybe I need to be just utterly honest with Rene and let her know my concerns about her lifestyle at times and how I'm not gonna put up with it if I live with her. And then I think about my parents...again. Would they approve? It took them awhile to get used to me living in that house. Would it take longer for them to get used to me moving again...and probably somewhere not as close. I wouldn't make Rene live here in Papio. She works downtown. We would have to make compromises. Ugh....decisions.
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