Feeling: Out of it, I guess.
So right now my knee is in pain. It hurts to fully bend it and it hurts to fully straighten it. I don't know what's wrong with it - the only thing I can guess is that I hyperextended it, but I don't know.
I have a competition on Monday. The CollegeBound Invitational. There is no scoring, so I'm pressured for scores, but in this meet, college Scouts come and look for gymnasts and potential scholarships. I am way nervous. This week is all routines and the others are doing skills. I don't want to be doing routines anymore. I want out.
Of course two days I ago I became the USAIGC All Around States Champion. And on Floor and Beam. The only thing is, even though I feel great that that happened, I feel as if I didn't perform to my best ability. It is n't good at all.
Ugh. I just want this school year to be over and I want to go to Ohio, do this, and go home. I'm just so close, I can feel it.
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