by bmaddie5
Listening to: Lets Get It Started-Black Eyed Peas
Feeling: torn
Yesturday was my 16th birthday. My mom made Fetticini Alfredo, Ceasar Salad, and Garlic Bread for dinner then for dessert she made IceBox Dessert and cupcakes with the FUNFETTI batter. Because I didn't have a CAKE, my parents improvised and put a 1 and 6 in my cupcakes which were on a plate!! They are so funny(and embarrassing) I opened my cards I got $$$ from relatives, like always and of course my Grandparents on my Dad's side sent me a BARBIE birthday card...Whatever!! I opened the card from my parents and they got me 2 $20 top-up-cards for my phone. YEAH!!! I then went to go clean up my room and when I walked in to the living room there was a HUGE box on the table. I looked at them and then I opened it....I got a SONY stereo with the mountable speakers!!! I love it. It has a 5-CD disc changer, it reads MP3 and Burned cds. I woke up to it this morning...its so awsome!! But I'm done now... Talk to y'all later.
i'm busy being ill.
: P
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