Are we there yet!

Listening to: B-A-NAN-A-S
Feeling: caffeinated
I listened to Gwen this morning and I have that song stuck in my head. Joe watched BBIII and so now I have to get it to Justine. I think I am going to get my car back tomorrow... I really hope so!! LOL I miss my car. I have to go to Ms. Youngs room. I HEART EVERYONE!!! BYEZZZ!!!!
Read 6 comments
i heart u 2 beth~!
i heart u 2 beth~!
i luv ur diary its really cool! i wish i could at least half of what u did on urs. but g2g buhbye!
oh, sorry, It dosnt look like you changed it... hey now all you have to do is show me up!!! lol
how do u get that little picture above your entries? and how do you get your entry titles to move? sorry im a little new...
it is kinda hard for me b/c im not a real thecno person! every thing that i have is because of my friend liz. now she's a real thecno person. i can barley do stuff on my comp!lol lol lol lol! ttyl! buhbye