a peeling arm

Ew.... Last week I was at work and my new work shoes arent very good water... I was taking the boxes out and I slipped by the hot water heater and my arm hit the damn thing.... let me tell you.. it was freaking hot... so all this week I walked around with this burn on my arm and well.... I think it is kinda cool... on wednesday I was carring a ladder and the ladder scraped my burn and it took some skin... now my burn is scabby... haha. And now a week later it is peeling... gross. Have anyone got hurt while they were at the job? if so share some stories.... Brittney
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I love ducks!
hahaha awee

thanks for the comment
well i dont have a job but i did trip over a crate thing while running during field hockey practice and i flew over it and skid the pavement and i have a scab on my left arm thankks for your comment i like your diary too
Thanks! I like urs to!
thank you very much :)
how are ya?
thanks for the compliment.

yeah; i'm a lifeguard and I rip myself up all the time... from the rough pool bottom to cutting myself while moving furniture to dropping said furniture on my feet to sunburn. it's a sad life.
thanks i guess

well rock out
Aw, well, thanks for liking my sD. Yours is so cute! I love Third Eye Blind. Coolness.
im not too bad :)