Doesn't matter ne wyaz

Listening to: My humps- BEP
Feeling: confused
Hey mark called me last night. I accidently told him the other night how i really felt and well... last night he told me hes begining to feel the same way. I just like him so much. There isnt ne thing i find wrong with him. Hes completely perfect. But yea...Ive been sick the past co=uple of nights and he told me to get some rest..awww how cute. He treats me like a princess and ive never got treated this way be 4. I went to court yesterday. MY DADS GOT FULL CUSTODY OF ME!!! yay!! It's great. Me n christina are getting along great. shes goin out with our friend Matt. GOod lukc to you guys. Im happy fer you:). But yea im gonna go bye Love always "WINK" aka Missi
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Feeling: torn
hey cityboy wrote me from jail. Me and josh are just friends now, idk what to do with him. I met this kid named Mark Trivlepeice. Hes kewl and i do like him. but idk. Kayla i miss you alot. Youll always be my bestfriend. Cant wait to see you again. Well imma gonna go Love always "WiNk" Aka Missi
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Feeling: heartbroken
Hey there im out of sage house now im happy to be out of that hell whole. I go to Wyalusing school now. I met this kid named josh merrit but idk what im gonna do about him. Yea i like him but be4 this he dated my friend Sara beth and im afraid if i go out with him that itll break her heart so idk.... City boy is still in jail, i miss him but im over it. I miss kayla alot i wish i knew how to get ahold of her but...idk. Me and my mom get along now. We talk alot but idk im still kinda mad at her for what she did. But were working on a new relationship soo, yea well im gonna go bye Love always "WiNk" Aka Missi Smith
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it kayla

hey missi...i miss ya so much. who come u havent updated in a while? did u get out of the sage house yet? well gtg love ya and miss ya and i want to came home!love alwayz and foreva... kaykay
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its kayla

Listening to: scars-papa roach
Feeling: blah
hey missi... its peanut! lol like i said i dont want to here that you are hurting your self cuz he is in jail. he will get out and you will be able to see him. gtg love ya peanut aka kaykay aka babygirl aka kayla i miss you a whole lot!!!love ya so much
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Listening to: Incomplete- BSB
Feeling: devastated
Idk what to do! I miss him so much. I wanna die but i dont think im gonna do somthing about it. I miss kayla so f*ing much! Shes my best friend i hate life! I miss my old life. I miss everything. Depressions getting the best of me! I miss cityboy so much. I cant wait till he gets out!! Love always, Missi Smith
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hey this is Kayla

hey missi, this is kayla im up at my nonny's and poppys in NY i hope you had fun at Knobles i wanted to go and im really gonna miss you. anywho i dont want you to hurt yourself ok you dont deserve to be hurt so ride it out youll get to go home soon i really luv you and i dont want to see you get hurt so dont think that you have nothing to live for. you always will have me ill be back next year! idc wut any one says im coming back next year as soon as school gets out! love ya alwayz and foreva! love ya,kayla
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To whoever cares

Listening to: Scars- papa roach
Feeling: broken-hearted
To whoever the person who left me a a not with no name i just wanna say id like to kno who u r so i cant get to kno them but i really do wanna die i hurt so bad inside and all i do is cry. Im broken heated and no one wants to be with me idk what to do. My caseworker Chasity Brown is coming to see me today and going to tell me why i cant go home. My dad told me i wasnt for another 2-3 weeks and after he left i bawled my eyes out. I just want to go home and be with CITY BOY!!!! i love him so f*ing much. Well i hate to waste other ppls time so ill let yall go Love always Missi Smith
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My goodness

Listening to: Goin Crazy-Natalie
Feeling: alone
Well im really heartbroken. The one i love is with somebody else and theres nothing i can do about it. Idk what to do it just hurts so f*ing bad and i love him so much and he told me he loved me also. It's just right now im sent away for another 8 days and my moms in jail beacuses shes s f*ing dumb cunt!!!! She abused me for f*ing 15 years of my life and i didnt tell ne one till the night i got sent away. Sunday (June 5th,2005) will be 2 months since i got sent away! But i really do miss my city boy!!! Hes my boo and i love him so much. On 2/23/05 my house burnt down because of my mom. She gave some one permission to make "METH" in our home and they threw the shit on my brother almost killing him but he survived. But sadly my dog didnt. His name was Cj and he was truley my best friend. But im going to get off the subject of him because it makes me cry when i think of him. My cousin Christina shes a charecter. She likes to be a bitch to me for no reason and then just try and forget ne thing happen its bullshit because she gets mad at me for every lil thing. IDK what to do well ill either write l8er or Monday ttyl Love always Missi Smith
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Listening to: Untitled-Simple plan
Feeling: upbeat
I'm being really seriouse about the suicide! I f*ing hate everyone! I cried myself to sleep last night thining about Cityboy i miss him so much and im getting to the point where im just going to blow off my head! No one understands me and they 1/2 to fuck with my head and i cant take it ne more!!! Just because i wear a fake smile on my face doesnt mean im happy. Deep inside im broken hearted and i just want to be home and away from everybody. In school im nothing but a slut(well thats what ppl call me) Idk what i going to do!!! no one wants to be with me i get palyed all the fucking time!! I have really low self esteem and everyone just makes me feel like shit. PPl tell me im ugly and fat but if i say it i get yelled at by ppl! i just fucking hate life i just want to die!!!!!!!!!
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Listening to: No rain-Blind melon
Feeling: used
City boy went to jail last night. Im so upset. Hes looking up 2 8 months. And once i het out of my placement then im kiking the shit out of his g.f. I jus cant wait to see him! I totally hate my mom. My ex is goin otu wit my best friend and he kissed me yesterday. Idk what im going to do. Im so confused right now, Idk what to do. I miss my old life. Be4 my house burnt down. Im in real deep depression and no one sees that. The girl in placement with me her name is Kayla. Shes awesome. We talk alot now. I just miss everything about ym life i just want my life(normal one) back. I miss my mom alot even tho i hate her. I miss my sisters Calicia and Tamara. Tamaras in jail and idk where calicia stays ne more.I just miss everyone!! I f*ing hate it at my placement idk thaoughts of suicide are going thro my head WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!! love always Missi Smith
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