
Listening to: No rain-Blind melon
Feeling: used
City boy went to jail last night. Im so upset. Hes looking up 2 8 months. And once i het out of my placement then im kiking the shit out of his g.f. I jus cant wait to see him! I totally hate my mom. My ex is goin otu wit my best friend and he kissed me yesterday. Idk what im going to do. Im so confused right now, Idk what to do. I miss my old life. Be4 my house burnt down. Im in real deep depression and no one sees that. The girl in placement with me her name is Kayla. Shes awesome. We talk alot now. I just miss everything about ym life i just want my life(normal one) back. I miss my mom alot even tho i hate her. I miss my sisters Calicia and Tamara. Tamaras in jail and idk where calicia stays ne more.I just miss everyone!! I f*ing hate it at my placement idk thaoughts of suicide are going thro my head WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!! love always Missi Smith
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missi, hey dont think that way. you shouldnt be thinking like that. i luv you and many of other ppl do to. i dont want you to get hurt! ill talk to you when we get home.
love ya alwayz,peanut(kayla)