
Listening to: Untitled-Simple plan
Feeling: upbeat
I'm being really seriouse about the suicide! I f*ing hate everyone! I cried myself to sleep last night thining about Cityboy i miss him so much and im getting to the point where im just going to blow off my head! No one understands me and they 1/2 to fuck with my head and i cant take it ne more!!! Just because i wear a fake smile on my face doesnt mean im happy. Deep inside im broken hearted and i just want to be home and away from everybody. In school im nothing but a slut(well thats what ppl call me) Idk what i going to do!!! no one wants to be with me i get palyed all the fucking time!! I have really low self esteem and everyone just makes me feel like shit. PPl tell me im ugly and fat but if i say it i get yelled at by ppl! i just fucking hate life i just want to die!!!!!!!!!
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i got my background off www.representgoodcharlotte.com
dont kill yourself. im sure your an awesome person and you shouldnt kill yourself just because nobody else sees that.
look i know you are friends with kayla right? well i am with her brother i have had the same thoughts going through my head for a while too..but in the long run it isnt worth it...i wanted to so badly like an hour ago but if you kill yourself, you will NEVER get to see"cityboy" again im sure so many people care about you....talk to me sometime b/c it seems i have some of the same problens as you!!