Listening to: Incomplete- BSB
Feeling: devastated
Idk what to do! I miss him so much. I wanna die but i dont think im gonna do somthing about it. I miss kayla so f*ing much! Shes my best friend i hate life! I miss my old life. I miss everything. Depressions getting the best of me! I miss cityboy so much. I cant wait till he gets out!! Love always, Missi Smith
Read 5 comments
OMG reading these enteries make me wanna cry there just soo sad
Reading about your life and how your suidial...really you should learn
You dont even know what fucking suicide fucking retard get a life!!!!
you people need to stfu and leave her alone!!!
missi you need to clam down. i miss you to! just dont hurt yourself!love ya!peanut
missi, its me again...its june 22. like i said you need to calm down ok? dont hurt your self. i mailed you a letter today ok. sry it took so long to mail it. ok well gtg...luv ya and miss ya so much!peanut!!!