My goodness

Listening to: Goin Crazy-Natalie
Feeling: alone
Well im really heartbroken. The one i love is with somebody else and theres nothing i can do about it. Idk what to do it just hurts so f*ing bad and i love him so much and he told me he loved me also. It's just right now im sent away for another 8 days and my moms in jail beacuses shes s f*ing dumb cunt!!!! She abused me for f*ing 15 years of my life and i didnt tell ne one till the night i got sent away. Sunday (June 5th,2005) will be 2 months since i got sent away! But i really do miss my city boy!!! Hes my boo and i love him so much. On 2/23/05 my house burnt down because of my mom. She gave some one permission to make "METH" in our home and they threw the shit on my brother almost killing him but he survived. But sadly my dog didnt. His name was Cj and he was truley my best friend. But im going to get off the subject of him because it makes me cry when i think of him. My cousin Christina shes a charecter. She likes to be a bitch to me for no reason and then just try and forget ne thing happen its bullshit because she gets mad at me for every lil thing. IDK what to do well ill either write l8er or Monday ttyl Love always Missi Smith
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