Doesn't matter ne wyaz

Listening to: My humps- BEP
Feeling: confused
Hey mark called me last night. I accidently told him the other night how i really felt and well... last night he told me hes begining to feel the same way. I just like him so much. There isnt ne thing i find wrong with him. Hes completely perfect. But yea...Ive been sick the past co=uple of nights and he told me to get some rest..awww how cute. He treats me like a princess and ive never got treated this way be 4. I went to court yesterday. MY DADS GOT FULL CUSTODY OF ME!!! yay!! It's great. Me n christina are getting along great. shes goin out with our friend Matt. GOod lukc to you guys. Im happy fer you:). But yea im gonna go bye Love always "WINK" aka Missi
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