How Soon Is Now?

I can't do this anymore. I don't want to know how I feel when I've finally pushed everyone away. It's really beginning this time, and the worst part is that I don't know if I want to go back. I need to stop eating so much, and run more. Maybe then things would be better. ~~~~~~ Oops. That was really supposed to be private. But oh well. Thank you for being wonderful everyone :)
Read 5 comments
Wait would that be like...masochism?!

I installed the mouse. As I said to lauren, I feel like speedy gonzalez with this thing!
Liz...Read what I said on msn. Sorry if I am weird
Ahh, I accidentally made a few entries public that were supposed to be private before.
I quickly fixed it though and nobody saw.

Liz, you know that I'm always here if you ever need to talk about anything.
I'm just an e-mail away, and you have my cell phone number if you ever want to call.
Free mobile-to-mobile. ;)
I completely relate to everything you said (wrote?) in this post. It sucks, but at least we know that we aren't the only ones dealing with what we're going through, I guess.

I came here a couple minutes ago and saw no entries and I was all "o.O" but now I see that you didn't fall off the face of the earth, which is a relief. :)
Aw, thanks for your wonderful comment. :D I know exactly what you mean with the moods. It really sucks, but it's really great that I have someone who understands and that I can talk to. So thank you.