jflkd;ajflk;jsa;lkd odysseus!
I'm still wanting to know why he got re-elected. Stupid God fanatic Christians. I saw a bumper sticker today that said 'Abortion: What part of thou shalt not kill don't you understand?' I laughed. a lot.
That reminds me of a bumper sticker that June and I saw that said 'Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing its idiot' and I laughed and June was laughing and then said "wait, they have a virginia license plate" so I laughed more.

I had about a million (well, 90) terms to do and then I got to McCarthy and he is my favorite guy so far in US history. he's just so funny, how he just persisted with his random accusations that were clearly untrue.
P.S. jflkd;ajflk;jsa;lkd odysseus! was me if you couldn't tell, but I think you could because who else knows that it was about Odysseus?