Listening to: Sentenced - No One There
I'm meeting some new people. So far, they seem pretty cool. It looks like that lineup I saw for Ozzfest really is happening.
I think I'm liking myself more lately.
Tis a nice feeling.
I spent the rest of my clothes allowance tonight. I got a My Ruin shirt that says GOD SAVE THE SCREAM on the back and it's awesome. Also ordered a VAC shirt and Megadeth hoodie, among other things.
I got a cavity filled today. It was a tiny one (I couldn't feel it) so they didn't numb it, just gave me massive amounts of laughing gas. At least I think that's what it was. Anyways, I don't like having my mind controlled by other substances. It feels so...uncontrolled. As one might expect.
Boys, boys.
Vac Attack.
I wanted to go to Ozzfest but realized how fucken broke I am >:( There's always the underground bands that play over here though ;)
Random props.