Shivers Me One Last Time

I'm meeting some new people. So far, they seem pretty cool. It looks like that lineup I saw for Ozzfest really is happening. I think I'm liking myself more lately. Tis a nice feeling. I spent the rest of my clothes allowance tonight. I got a My Ruin shirt that says GOD SAVE THE SCREAM on the back and it's awesome. Also ordered a VAC shirt and Megadeth hoodie, among other things. I got a cavity filled today. It was a tiny one (I couldn't feel it) so they didn't numb it, just gave me massive amounts of laughing gas. At least I think that's what it was. Anyways, I don't like having my mind controlled by other substances. It feels so...uncontrolled. As one might expect. Boys, boys. :)
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did u realize that your name rhymes with fizz and frizz?
VAC has shirts? I didn't know that. I guess I should have know, what band doesn't have shirts? OH well, one more band tee I will need to get. That My Ruin shirt sounds awesome. Thanks for your feel beter coment. I'm already feeling somewhat better (I can at least get up, still can't talk, but I don't really like to talk much anyway.) I prefer to write/type. I wish I could go to Ozzfest. Oh well. Oh, and mind-altering substances=yuck.

Vac Attack.
Your username got me coming here because we're doing a celtic booth for our school project this year.

I wanted to go to Ozzfest but realized how fucken broke I am >:( There's always the underground bands that play over here though ;)

Random props.