...have another drink and drive yourself home...

Feeling: sluggish
I'm sleepy. I don't know why though. I somewhat went to bed at a decent hour. I went to bed at like 11 or so. Maybe 11:30. Someone called my house at like 3:30 and asked to talk to me. I don't know who they were. My mom told me about it this morning. I'm almost positive it was some guys that my sister gave our number to a little bit ago. I don't know though. She said it sounded like my friend Riley and some black kid. I don't think Riley is dumb enough to call my house that early in the mornin'. I'm gonna ask him though. I woke up at like 12:45 or so this mornin' cause it was sooo cold in my room. Then Robby called my cell phone it scared the shit out of me cause it is soo loud. We talked about nothing 'til like 1:47. (I checked the time) Then he was sleepy and I told him to go to bed. Robby is so cute. He's also incredibly funny, and I love his laugh. It's crazy. He's crazy. Me, Kelli, Robby, and Ceecee went ridin' around Friday night. It was pretty cool. We were at the movies for a bit, then the mall, then we went to take Robby home. There was a little more in between there, but since I don't know who all reads this I'm not gonna say. It's nothing bad...well it is something we shouldn't have been doin' but it wasn't something that...nevermind I don't know what I'm tryin' to say. Either way though it was fun. I'm tired I think I wanna go to sleep. In fact I know I wanna go to sleep. I most likely will next period.
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cool, thanx for ur comment
o ya, which peom did u like?