Listening to: NONE
Feeling: bittersweet
First things first to the people in New Orleans. Even though you can't read this. BURN THAT FUCKING CITY DOWN. Shoot at EVERY chopper that comes around. Its about time that someone shows the world what happens when you ignore the needs of AMERICAN people. Didn't anyone stop to think about where that money for vietnam 2 oh way sorry i mean iraq part deux was comming from? So now lets think about this since hehaw boy has been in office gas has TRIPLED in price and now heres something you will all be hearing about soon. The money to go to one of the things that would have helped to upgrade the levy to protect Orleans went to... yep come on guess.... VIETNAM 2 shit I keep doing that sorry Iraq part deux. The city wanted 10 million dollars to upgrade it and it was even going to match whatever the gov. sent it. Know how much they gave em? 50 thousand dollars. So this goes out to the 51% of the country that voted for that asshole. All those people's blood is on your hands. Those families that now dont have a mom or a dad or maybe one of their brothers or sisters are dead its because of you and its just getting started. Keep watching the news sooner or later you'll hear about what is going on in Utah. God bless america, you know if I didn't have enough toilet paper at home id use the flag. Cause thats about what its worth.
Now id like to say to anyone that is in Calli. You should be VERY proud you are in the first state to allow gay marriage by the vote of the senate. Congradulations its about time people start to realize that the "fags" are people to.
Went to a friends place yesterday, well two friends place. We were talking and it turns out im the next charles manson I mean they were telling me how one of my "friends" told them that he thought they were mad at him cause of me. This seems to be a repeating pattern, I mean someone else has told me that I control people by my actions. I really should hone in on this power of mine that way I can start to control everyone around me. They also told me that they were concerned about me when we all went out together the first time cause this guy told this girl that I was going to beat up some guy she was with. This actually makes me smile, people are so afraid of me and I give them minimal reason TO be afraid of me. It's great.
Lastly even though he will not be able to read this. Sean Artz is truly someone that I have a fond place for in my heart. Although we dont hang out much I was sitting back thinking one day that I have NEVER met any man that has as much respect for me then him. Respect is very important to me and everything about this kid tells me that he respects me. Truly touches my heart and I hope I can return the favor for him.
Fav Quotes:
"A man who stands for nothing falls for anything." -X-
"I can't hear if my car is running or not cause the muffler is to loud." -Jael- (friends ex-girlfriend)
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