Listening to: shooting ladders
So I moved out of Laura H's. I was thinking about it for quite awhile and my mom said I could move in with her but I was still in a pickle because I didn't want to live with my mom cuz remember the last time I lived with my mom it didn't go to well. Everything fell into place when Laura H and I invited Laura Sharp to the old timers hockey game and she came over after and we were talking when Laura took like an hour to pick up Chris and she said it would be cool if I moved in with her. I was like ok cuz I was just beginning to get more and more depressed living there. So when Laura and Chris finally got back she ignored us and went into the bedroom with Chris. We were like this is fun and stuff. Then Ryan picked us up and we came here and I Laura and I went to my mom's the next day and I got the job at burger king so that was cool then we pick up the rest of my stuff at Laura H's and she was so eager to help. Then when we were kinda done she comes down the stairs and starts crying and saying she's a bad friend and I told her straight up that I was felt like I wasn't even there. Laura S. and I tried to tell her that she made everything about Chris and she didn't ahve her own mind. Then the next day while I was in the shower she comes over and accuses me of stealing her controler. Then I find out she went to my mom before she came over. I went with my dad for the weekend so I didnt talk to her for a couple days then I get home and she calls me cuz I have something else of hers and I do but she also has my cd. Now Laura's on the phone with her. Laura H was a nice person and fun and all that before cuz we used to have fun but now Chris has coruppted her and she's turning into a totally different person and it's a sad thing to see happening to such a beautiful girl with so much potential yet is being held back by such a control freak but I guess the sadder thing is that she is letting it happen to herself. I'm at the point when I don't even want to try and help her cuz I know she has doubts about her relationship with Chris otherwise she wouldn't say she's leaving him all the time. No matter what anyone says her dad, Laura S., me andyone that matters to her that cares about her she doesn't listen or even care to listen to cuz her first priority is Chris and he's deliberatly trying to drive everyone away from her so that she will only have him cuz no one likes him so he only has her and if she doesnt do something to change her realtionship with her friends she won't have any to bitch about Chris to anymore. That's another thing she'll bitch about Chris to me, her dad, Laura S. yet she turns around and is all sweet and cute to Chris. Like Laura Sharp said being two faced is fucked up or something to that extent. I really wish she would be her own person and make desicions for herself instead of making sure with Chris. I would hate being on a leash. Having no freedom. That would really suck.
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yay, you live with me and it rocks!! Love ya nattie poo!