Nattie's Wrath

Listening to: DDR-Butterfly
Hmmmm hmmm..Alanna my dear who would have thought that you would be the most annoying person put on this earth? I for sure didn't and if you lived with one of your other "friends" they would soon kno it too. You moved in because you were mad at your mommy and you pestered me to ask my dad to let you stay forever. You slept in my bed. When I told you you couldn't sleep in my bed anymore and that I needed my space you stormed out of the room. I said you could sleep on the spare matress and you wouldnt even help me change my room around because you were pouting. All you did was sleep, eat, bitch, and go on the computer. I remember when my dad asked you if you had friends and Spongie and I had a good laugh. When I went out I only took you cuz I felt sorry for you. Whenever I had company over, you were there. Whenever I was on the computer, you were right over my shoulder. Your parents never contacted you. Mmm great parents! You were a bitch to your dad when he called that one time because you were being stupid in class or something. It was pretty obvious you wanted nothing to do with them. It was pretty much always what you wanted. "I feel like should get money from your dad.." My dad told me to talk to you about getting some money from your parents and that made you upset cuz you didn't want to call them. I tried to talk to you another time, but you ignored me like an 8 year old. "I'm not listening!" =P You even complained about Steph. K, it's your buisness if you don't like you're little brothers, but I only get to see mine every 2nd weekend. About the computer. You're favourite part! Yes, you did annoy me when it was 2am and all I can here is that tap tap tap and yur gay punk songs or whatever your latest crush liked at the time. You would follow some random guy at school around and then come here and be all like he gave me a weird look and walked past me. Or...I think (whoever) is avoiding me...Daniel has multiple personailites, but I still like him and he made me cry cuz I couldn't defend my religion. Remember the time when those girls called you and bitched you out for talking shit? Then you couldn't leave it alone. Not till you got the last word. Or when I kicked you off the comp cuz I was really tired and you flipped out and ran out of the room. Then you came back like 2 or 3 times, slamming the door each time you left. Geez, learn to control those tantrums of yours missy! I whine? Of course I do. Daddies lil girl. He's MY dad after all. He doesn't HAVE to get YOU anything. Alanna gosh I think you're confused. You were on the comp more then I was. I would go in the living room or kitchen and whenever my dad asked me what you were doing it was always the same There was never a time you weren't on unless you were napping. You always made these sighs and (trust me) everyone noticed. It was like you were gonna keel over and die if you didn't get what you wanted at that exact moment. You were a guest in my house. You did nothing, cept complain. "There's no food. It's messy." Well if we managed to survive before you got there then there shouldn't have been a problem. Yay for mess! Lol. If you didn't like it you could have got out, but you didn't and you can only blame yourself. 6am. Early eh? Once again YOU chose to run away from your parents. "She would always make ME late" MEMEMEMEMEME You don't have insecurity issues? Ha! "I look better without my glasses." (Stops wearing glasses) "Look at my hair, I look like a boy." "I don't want this guy to see me incase he mistakes me for a boy." We all have em, there's no point in denying it. Ahem! The problem is that your kind of ppl don't like to be told what to do. (I'm not talking bout race moron) You hate that. When I said that you had to leave by the end of the month you got upset and were all like "I didn't kno this.What did I do?" I was already too far in my rant to leave it at that and then Laura felt left out so she wanted to sy some random things...that you seemed to take seriously. That's funny. You're mad that I made you get out and now you're trying to get back at me or something for making you cry. Boy, did you get out of there fast! I come home and something looks different...weeeeeeeeeeeee! My dad told me that you tried to make him drive you home, but he told you to call your dad (after all you're his responsibility) to pick you up. That probly made you mad too. Yea, if you have a problem with me then deal with it. Stop trying to hide behind Laura Sharp. Oh no not Laura Sharp. The one you said you didn't think was like that, cuz you kno I just love to talk about her. Love you babe! All of the Laura's have nothing to do with this. You're mad cuz I took power over you. Now you're trying to get it back. Why are you harrassing Laura H.? I will admit sometimes I have some concerns about her relationship. That's because I care about her. It's between me and her. Putting words in my mouth isn't going to do much except...lemme guess...make YOU feel better. Feel proud Alanna, feel proud! As for my relationship with Davis, that's none of your concern either. Well maybe since you loved me so much that you had to be near all the time you got the impression that we were going out. You were the one that told him to ask me out. You have a habit of being in everyone elses buisness dontcha? Maybe that's why so many people dislike you. Fight your own battle. You chose to pick a fight with me.
Read 4 comments
ooh, that wrath is nice. i liked it, especially cause it was about time you started getting tough with people. i'm proud of you nattie for not being the procrastinator you seemed to be about the alanna thing. woot for taking charge! where are you today kiddo? all my love, laura michelle*
I never picked a fight. Your the one that wanted me to leave. And I did. So get over the fact that I'm "annoying and stupid" and move on with life.

I never asked your dad to drive me home either. He asked me how I was getting home, and I said I don't know, then he told me to call my dad.

And why are you complaining to me about my family problems when you yourself have problems with yours?

I'm gone. Get over it.

Love you.
I didn't say that I had insecurity issues either.

Owell. If you want to talk to me about it, call me, or talk to me in real life, complaining about it over the internet is retarded, and the pussy way out.

Still love you.
I'm not still bringing that up. I told her a million times to go home. I'm on your side here Nat.