
Yeah. I did something wrong again. Wow. surprise sur effing prise. I have the biggest mouth ever. I told like everyone about jess and grant and i feel soooooo bad. I got carried away. grant hates me. Well i kinda deserve that. No wonder grant was being an ass. I deserve it completely. Anyways, today was intersting.... 1. Today in math, when travis went to get some graph paper, i asked him if he could get me and jess some. he said "yeah..if i can...." yeah we just looked at eachother and understood completely. We bust out laughing and nobody understood. It was great. But the smart alec alex said ooo someone likes koenen, and was making fun of me. yeah that pissed me off. 2. The bus broke down on first street. That was awesome. 3. I actually talked to pat today. just random words, but it was enough to let the weirdness go away. At the begining of class when we were running the two laps, he at first tried to run right next to me because mottinger said that it should be a nice jog. Well, as soon as he was next to me, i ran full out the rest of the time, and beat him, by a lot. As soon as i took off he said "SLOW DOWN,WERE SUPPOSED TO JOG! THIS ISNT A RACE!" yeah, but for me it was. It was one that i won. 4.I didn't have like ANY of my homework done. 5. I had cramps that could cripple a horse. Yeah That's Me..deal. -Joanna
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