
Today was a very interesting day. A lot of things happened. -I stubbed my toe on the wall. -I slammed the back of my hand against the edge of one of my walls. -The Stand Bit Me. In band when i was setting my music down on my stand, i cut my hand on this little sticky-outy sharp part where the stand is broken. It hurt really bad, and it was bleeding. I tried putting a bandaid on it, but the bandaid just fell off. -ok,i will be dancing at the football game on the 14th for JFK, so therefore i cannot do pep band for that day. Mr. Brau on the otherhand thinks that i can play pre game, because i can practice other times. NO I CANT! We all have to stretch and practice together. He thinks that i can just go out and dance without stretching. So now he's going to call Lea, our instructor, to talk to her to 'make sure we can' Lea will not let us play. She will make us stretch that is for sure. So if everything doesn't go just right, it will be an unexcused abscence and my grade will drop on letter. And i won't be able to make it up. EFFING A. -Somebody wrote a letter to Heidi saying how bad she smells and all that stuff and put it in her gym locker. They also mailed one to her house, where her mother opened it. We all know that she smells, but COME ON. That is so low. Who would honestly take the time to find her address and buy a stamp and mail it to her. Considering nobody wants to write an essay for class, why would we want to write for someone else? So yeah, when we would normally be running two laps, Mrs. Mottinger said, boys take two, girls go in the wrestling room. She is UBER pissed. The principal was in there and everything. Doors shut talking to us. It was scary. Heidi didn't come to school today. Of course as soon as we got into the gym all the guys were like "WHAT HAPPENED???" And none of us knew what to say. We were practically speechless. Pat got uber close to me and was like, "what happened?" in this stupid really soft 'i care so answer me' voice. I told him its nothing. But he kept asking if it was bad and i kept answering i'll tell you later. So when we went to the wrestling room i was walking right next to him and i was goint to tell him, but mottinger came right close to us. But when she went to open it, he got even closer and asked me again. I told him that he can't tell anybody, and he said that he wouldn't. Like he was sounding like he actually cared. But yeah. I told him. Mainly to get him to get away from me. -Kaite Slegal... idk how to spell her last name..... yeah she got hit in the face with super fast tennis ball. Right in the mouth. Her lip was super swollen and numb and her mouth was bleeding and everything. I felt so bad. She's such a sweetie! She is one of the popular girls, but shes really nice to everyone. I put away her racket for her, so i helped. - I got an 86 on my essay for communications. That out of 100. My dad thinks that it deserves better than that. I don't like my grade either. But like no one got what they expected. Jenna got a 97 though. ooo. not fair. It kinda made me mad that when i told her what i had shes like.. well.... thats... kinda good. i guess. And then look at what she got. UGH. But we get to add two points to it, so i got an 88, which is a little better. - I got 28 out of 34 on my grammar test! YAY i totally thought that i had bombed it. Plus, she took off a point, because everyone as a whole did really bad. So it was really 26 out of 33. - My grade in communications, after her 2% grade bump, is an A-!!! Its still an A. Its just and A with a dash next to it. -I went to mariahs church yesterday. But first i went home with her and jenna. They hardly talked to me for like the first hour. They both got in the car, and i was banging on the window so that jenna could open it, because it was locked, and they just started driving away. Because jenna didn't hear me. They never talked to me. Their entire conversations were with eachother not me. Even at mariah's house, it was like that for a while. But then it got better. -I went driving with Jeramiah again. Before we went to ellie's me,carin, jenna, mariah and lauren, timmy and Jeramiah went to wal-mart. That was...not fun. I love his car though! w00t. But lauren was being a BUTT. She had told us all of this stuff about how she was all excited about these things and then when we were around Jeramiah she went totally the opposite to everythign she said. Whatever. He noticed, you could tell. Maybe because i brought it up with her and started yelling at her.... yeah that could be part of it. - Small Group. We got pedicures at their small group and it was really fun. Now they are splitting up into two groups because they are so big, and the group that im in is me, jenna, carin, ellie and mariah. Its cool. My toenails are bright orangeish red. I like it, because its so not what i would normaly wear. - Found out that our next movie nights gunna be Oct. 1st. And travis is asking his dad about chaperoning... but yeah we still need chaperones. - Steph is getting confirmed on the 9th, so thats gunna be awesome. - We get confirmed on the 30th, and everyone from small group is gunna come! They're taking a group field trip to our church on that day. I'm uber excited, yet scared at the same time. Yeah.. i'm all typed out. That's -Joanna
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