15 Minutes

I have fifteen minutes before i have to leave for dance. So i have fifteen minutes to bear my soul, or what i can of it. Hokay... so. Mary is sick again. Like UbER sick. She has yet another bladder infection, so they gave her the same pills that she always gets, and some special food as well. The only thing thats diffent about this time, is that my parents said that this is the last time that they would ever get her pills and do all of this for her. So if she gets sick again, shes gone. This really sucks cuz i've had her since second grade, and i LovE her. She's my cat, and since i don't have like a brother or sister, shes like that to me. ugh. I AM CONFUSED. can someone explain to me how a person can be uber sweet and nice to you one day and then pretends like youre a peice of lint on the floor the next day? ITS LIKE THAT EVERY OTHER DAY FOR ME!!! grr. I have a lot on my mind, but i don't know how to explain it so that people will actually understand.... no one understands... except for a few people, and they know who they are. to everyone - don't come up to me in school, or call me and ask me if you are one of the people who understand. If you are, then you'll know. If you're not, then you will be stuck in constant bewilderment. And if you do ask, i will not answer you. Not even if you are. DArn it. I've been talking to britty (my cherry coke, mo) and i havent written as much as i wanted to. But it is now 8:18 o clock and i have to leave. That's Me..deal. -Joanna
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