[23] 3rd Time Lucky

Feeling: amazing
ok i dont think tht satan wants me to make this entry because twice i have written it nd both times it hasnt worked. they hav been my longest entries ever and im not writing them agen. wow, boot camp was awesome. we had some awesome preaches: Matt, Glen and Sam. Matt as usual, never fails to inspire me, Glen is a great man wiv a big heart nd Sam was virbant nd bubbly. we had a inncredible prayer session in which i felt a bit lost, but i'll get there, im praying to God tht he will help me get my words out when im trying to pray out loud. during this session, i gave my life to God, like for real, i told him tht from now on i am following him for all my days and will never turn back. i told him i was laying my life on the alter for Him to do as he pleases. i surrended my all to Him. After this is met an awesome chick called Stevie. we were paired off together to pray. we prayed for each ova nd then she prayed for my brother and i prayed for her friend Sarah. at lunch i got to hang out wiv Celia, my absolutly gorjous friend. shes one of my mentors, so sweet. i also got to hang out wiv Kat a lot, so we got closer over these past to days, shes so cute n funny. oh yea nd i met this really cool chick who gets into schools nd spread the Gospel, shes prayed for me, shes really sweet. Synrg went off! it was revolution united so we had bout the older and younger youth goups together for one awesome night. the atmosphere was fully of energy anf praise for Jesus. the night was made even more awesome by a legend Pastor Niel Smith. we were privaliged to ahve him preach. he began Lakes church so without him there would be no youth group. i owe a lot to him. he has such a big heart.he had this awesome story bout eagles nd how they relate to out journey with God, it reall hit home nd helped a lot. i went down with my friend to the alter call nd then when we went to a diff room for them to fill out sum forms nd get a bible, i had a tlk wiv Sam, i told her how well she did at boot camp, shes so sweet nd full of joy. when everyone left i had a talk wiv my amazing DNA leader Rach. i told her bout all the things tht had been trubling me and she helped me sort em all out. i luv her stax. oh yea nd i saw Jesse there! i hadnt seen him for ages so tht brought back memories! lol. so as i woz leaving i woz thinking how life coodnt get ne better when this really sweet girl Lucy asked me for my number nd sed we shuld hang out. i felt hell special. shes a gewd friend of a good friend of mine, Maya, so wen Maya gets back from Melb we are gonna hang out. cant wait =) dude me life is sik nutz at the moment. life is awesome nd so is God. Take care princessess nd princes of God, i pray tht u will all find Jesus if u hav not already. God bless! mwah u all rock - love ali x0x0x0x
Read 13 comments
lol dam..that's why you always highlight everything you typed, right click on it, and "copy"..then if it screws up, you can just right click and paste it. ok anyway, glad you're havin' fun. lata
.: h A n n A h : .
thank you, my dear, for your comment. God bless.
hey im james
it looks like your a christian,How Cool!!!Me Too!!!Your little event thingy sounded really fun. Well thanks a lot for the comment im me if u want at undonevocals8503, later gater!
me again,lol. You sound on fire and loving it! Thats awesome...your awesome and GOds awesome!!!ttyl!
ok sorry its me again..lol. Yea well let me just say agin that you are on fire for God and that is so awesome. i wanna be like that again. When i read your entries it brought tears to my eyes....yea it might sound wierd but its true. You are doing an awesome job as a child of God. God Bless You Ali!!!
hey ali,
thanks for commenting again. boot camp sounds awesome. thanks so much for keeping in touch with me and not giving up. i really appreciate it. so wat else is up with your life?
- Erica
I wish i could tell someone proffessional what im going though. But im just too scared. My mum and dad have gone through so much shit and if they find i cut coz of all the shit they will freak. I dont wanna put them through that.

LOl...WELL his accent IS MUCH stronger

than mine...my comp ÓÁÁÁ..cant type stupiÓ
aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgh...my computer was messin with me...it wouldn't type but when my bro came it worked perfectly....!!!...eeek anyways people just make fun of us...coz their all jealous...coz were better at football and we got famous festivals and such....heya
ok. thanksh!!! =)
thats exactly what im talking about! its so awesome! i love when Gods power get so stong that i cant even hold it all in! stay strong!
oh. yea. but thats kind of a joke.. that turned into.. a likeness for knives. for some reason...
aw thanks..yeah i kno. but i was a happier and better person before..so i dunno but my life is all messed up right now.i need to get things under control