Things in life aren't all bad now.Some of it is actually so near perfect it's scary.This lone wolf has managed to find a mate that truely love me as much as I love her.It is as if she is the one whom all my prior failures has been leading me to.The wrongs in my life just so happeded to bring me and her together at a point where I am now capable of staying with her and am out of troble with cops and courts and all that shit. Granted I wish I could have found her oh.. about 5-6 years ago,..Oh..shit..I did, ooppss.I never once claimed to be the sharpest spoon in the drawer.But at that point in my life I was no where near worthy of her.I would have screwed it up and she would probably have done exactly what Aurora did.
But now I have a chance to succeed or fail by my self without the assistance of the legal system.So we will see where we go from here.I have descided not to try to overanalize this one,to just go with the flow and see where life and love can lead.As long as I can maintain and not get to overdramatic things should go just fine.
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