Q is for Quivering

Feeling: achy
Well the past two days have been thuroughly interesting and I've been extremeley occupied throughout them. My birthday was nearly the most awesome day of my entire life I'm pretty sure. My familia took me out to brekkie and then mom took me shopping and we got some really nice stuff for my birthday and then I went home and hung out with CC and Patrick and it was lots of fun and everyone was being so nice and it was great. Highlights: #1:I was banging on a packet of ketchup and CC was sitting next to me... then it popped and squirted right in her eye, it was fucking funny as hell. #2: I did acid last night so happy birthday to me, it was the best and most fun trip CC kept making me laugh insanely hard, she did coke and that kept her awake so it was all good... So now I'm tired and my body is so exhausted from the acid and staying awake 48 hours and apparently my life is in some grave danger because Jesse made some bad enemies and since he's jetting off to New York sometime next week they could be after my family/ mainly just me... which is awesome but I dont even care I'm not worried, I only care that my parents may try to send me to NY out of fear for my safety... NOOOOOOOO! Roxie
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