More dreams...I don't have all the details worked out yet. But I'll type them out, anyway. Hmm.
This one, is not very clear. But I'll try to relay all the information as best as possible.
Alright, again in the house I live in now or close to it. My room was the same, as for the rest of the house, that was different. So, errr...we end up taking care of these three boys for a few days. I think they were all blonde. But for some reason they had to keep they're stuff in my room...I was a little...upset about this. hey were playing catch with a football, of all things, in -my- room. I went upstairs to yell, and started, but then asked them very patiently not to play with the football inside because there was a lot of glass in the room and I didn't want anything to get broken. They groaned but agreed and seemed to like me, and I liked them. Last thing I remember, I was reading a story to the youngest of the three. He had very, light light blonde hair.
All I remember of this dream was I was about 27 and I was married...and again with the house. But this time it was the same in the dream, as it is in real life. I remember I had new neighbors, they'd just moved in, and I'd watched their little boy for them. The woman had left two roses for me on the kitchen counter, just to say thanks, ya know. I must have trusted her. It seemed she could come into the house at will. I remember coming home and finding them there. It was a pleasant suprise, I was tired from work. Then my husband came home, started accusing me of having a lover, pointed to the roses and said "What is that?! That's our spot!" It was where he left things, when he brought me something. I remember I backed away from him, screamed at him that they were from the woman next door, a present for watching their son. It was more of a frightened, desperate scream then an angry scream. But he hit me. Hit me hard across the face. Yelled at me saying I was going with women now. I kept yelling, that it was just for watching the little boy...but he hit me a few more times. I managed to make it out onto the three seasons porch and lock my self out there. That's all I remember.
I really feel sick now. So I'm going to go for tonight. Goodnight, everyone.

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