what am i supposed to say?

Feeling: depressed
Well what am I supposed to say, "hey I love masco and all the people there"? That would be a lie. I'm not going to return next year. Instead, I plan to either go to boarding school in Conneticut or Florida, try to get into Hamilton Wenham, and my last resort is homeschooling. I can't believe that it's only been two weeks. I'm miserable. I mean, I even miss GUS. Hey, so far I've aced all 4 of my quizzes. But I realized why that is. It's because I have nothing better to do than study cuz I have nobody to hang out with or go to the movies with. I hate this.
Read 2 comments
i'm sorry you feel bad, maybe you'll like it later on
Nice diary. I like the title of the page (the jesus loves u shit thing)