Ugly betty picks her nose
Ugly betty can suck her toes
Ugly betty hates toast
Ugly betty loves eating her girlfriend the most
Ugly betty hates clothes that fray
Ugly betty hates boys that play
Ugly betty wishes she could float away
I had such a bad day yesterday and i had a bad today. It was snowing how uncool.
and i just ate a raw noodle. Gross, okay?
Yesterday i went to sobeys and i told the cashier guy that i wanted to pack my own bags and he was like shocked and he said i should work there. Someone asked if i ever worked in a grocery store,Ive neve, and then she said i should.
They always look at me weird when i say i want to pack my own bags. I mean excuse me. its not my fault the are incompetant when it comes to packing bags. People always crowd me to somtimes. two guys actually came and asked if i needed any help and one time one guy stayed to hand me bags. Its like HELLO i got it covered
and raw noodles are good. raw spaghetti, at least. and yes, i do know that i am weird. (=