If You Forget Me

Listening to: Nirvana-All Apologies
Feeling: sane
IF YOU FORGET ME I want to know one thing. You know how this is: If I look at the crystal moon, at the red branch of the slow autumn at my window, if I touch near the fire the impalable ash or the wrinkled body of the log, everything carries me to you, as if everything exists, aromas, light, metals, were little boats that sail toward those isles of yours that wait for me. THE VOW When the lover goes, the vow though broken remains, that trace of eternity love brings down among us stays, to give dignity to the suffering and to intensify it. If these mean anything, please comment me.
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that's amazing
jared, i want to be your friend, this is funny, cuz i may have screwed shit up between us, but i want you to know that i care for you, in a friend way, if this is about me, let me know, you know who this is, if it is, then leave me a comment, but i dont want things to get all confused, cuz i just dont see us together anymore, sorry...i know that this is from A LONG time ago, but yeah, i felt that i should leave you a comment...
hey, i know that u prolly dont want to talk to me, and you dont get on much any more, but if you do, just leave me a comment saying hey, i dont care if you comment on something i wrote, but i just want to know if we're still friends, cuz i wanna be....im gonna try to make it to more of your shows, but i dont know when, or who with, anyways, tell me how things are...♥
i just want to know how things are. so it would be great if you got on. i've heard some stuff about you and im just checking up. gots to get.♥