First best friend: brittany stevens
First car: 2000 chrystler concorde
First date: officaially it was a double date....but it was cute
first screen name: i think it was like abartsokas or something like that
First self purchased CD: hmm...i think it could have been n'sync..but not sure
First pets: we had a dog...but we gave her away cause she bit me...
First piercing/tattoo: ears and i am getting another piercing and tattoo when im 18
First musician you remember hearing in your house: dad playing trombone
Last cigarette: was like a week ago
Last car ride: yesterday at around 3...other than that i just wanted to sleep
Last good cry: yesterday, i was in pain..haha
Last movie seen on video(DVD): napoleon wanted to watch w/ me
Last beverage drank: take w/ the pills
Last food consumed: ice cream bar about 3 days ago :(
Last time showered: yesterday
Last shoes worn: birks
Last annoyance: my throat
Last disappointment: the doctor ((are you seeing a pattern here))
Last shirt worn: my murray state rodeo shirt
Last website visited: either xanga or stlpunk
Last word/s you said: "it just hurts so bad"
What color socks are you wearing? none
What color of underwear are you wearing: white! yea baby!
What's under your bed? another bed and some captain morgan and empty beer bottles
What time did you wake up today? 10
Where do you want to go?: chicago, new york, boston or cali
What is your career going to be? music performer ((in orch. pits or for movie scores))
Where are you going to live? read above
How many kids do you want? none
What kind of car(s): denali
Current mood: sick
Current mind set: ehh...not much
Current music: nothing :( i gotta change that
Current taste: nastay taste
Current hair: messy and redish brown
Current clothes: murray university rodeo shirt and some shorts
Current desktop picture: chicago scene
Current color of toenails: pink
Current hate: i dont really have a hate, and if i did, you would know
Y is yes
n is no
kissed a member of the opposite sex. Y
crashed a friend's car N
been to Japan N
ridden in a taxi y
been dumped y
been fired or laid off N
been in a fist fight y
snuck out of your parent's house Y
ever had a crush on someone of the same sex y ((im not a lesbian, but i have been jealous of someone of the opposite sex))
ever dated someone of the same sex N
had feelings for someone who didn't have them back YYYYYYYYYY
been arrested N
made out with a stranger y
owned a pair of $1 earrings y
celebrated new years in time square N
gone on a blind date Y
had a crush on a teacher N
celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans N
been to Europe y
skipped school Y
cut yourself on purpose Y
been married N
gotten divorced N
had children N
seen someone die Y
been to Africa N
Punched a friend y
Been to Canada n
Been to Mexico N
Been on a plane Y
Seen "the Rocky Horror Picture Show" yyyy
Thrown up in a bar n
Purposely set a part of yourself on fire. Y
Eaten Sushi Y
Been Snowboarding y
Met someone in person from the internet y
Been moshing at a concert y
had real feelings for someone you knew only online N
been in an abusive relationship N
been pregnant or got someone pregnant N
lost a child N
gone to college n
graduated college N
tried killing yourself N/a
taken painkillers Y
love someone or miss someone right now Y
1. Nervous Habits? i start to shake my legs and then they wont stop so i have to pace around
2. Are you double jointed? nope
3. Can you roll your tongue? yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? yes
5. Can you blow spit bubble? yeah. . .
6. Can you cross your eyes? yup
7. Tattoos? no
8. Piercings and where: ears
9. Do you make your bed daily? nope
10. Which shoe goes on first? ehich ever one is closest
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?havent we all
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? from 5 -30 bucks
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? necklaces, rings, braclets and earings
14. Favorite piece of clothing? green jacket
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? nope
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? edys low fat peanut butter cup...its only good low fat tho
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? for me, one for dad and one for mom
19. What's your favorite beverage? right now, water, usually either grap juice or mt. dew
20. What's your favorite restaurant? mani thai..ohh its sooo good
21. Do you cook? i can, i just dont
22. How often do you brush your teeth? Usually twice a day but it also depends on if i'm going anywhere
23. Hair drying method? upside down
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? baby
25. Do you swear? haha...yea
26. Do you ever spit? yea
27. Animal? cow
28. Food?: oriental food
29. Month? June
30. Day? Friday
31. Favorite Cartoon Character? brack
33. Subject in school? recess...but then the stupid place took that away from me as well!!!!
34. Color? green
35. Sport? hockey
36. TV show? simpsons
41. CD player? my portable one?
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? lately it has been jeff or alex or anthony...but theres hannah in there too...and julie...ok, so i cant keep track
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? yea, all the time...haha
45. What color is your bedroom? green...woot
46. Do you use an alarm clock? nope, i use my stereo
47. Window seat or aisle? window
48. What's your sleeping position? on top...ohh you said sleeping positing...usually on my side
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? its there...for comfort
50. Do you sleepwalk? used to, i used to set off the alarms
51. Do you talk in your sleep? i dont think so
52. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?nope, they always ended up getting thrown off the bed
53. How about with the light on? no way!!
54. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? yup, it used to be the only way i could fall asleep