x0x0x Crap About Me

Feeling: indifferent
Have I ever. . . 1. Kissed your cousin: Nope don't plan to 2. Ran away: not yet 3. Broken someone's heart: Maybe? 4. Cried when someone died: I haven't had someone die 5. Wanted someone that you knew you couldn't have: Who hasn't 6. Broken a bone: nope 7. Drank alcohol: little 8. Lied: not about serious stuff 9. Cried at school: no i try and keep that on the DL Which is better..? 1. Coke or Pepsi: Apple Juice 2. Sprite or 7up: They taste the same 3. Girls or guys?: Guys 4. Scruff or clean: clean 5. Quiet or loud: Loud quiet is boring 6. Blondes or Brunetts: Either works for me 7. Bitchy or slutty: Slutty 8. Tall or short: Tall 9. Pants or shorts: Pants With the opposite sex.. 1. What do you notice first: eyes *wink* 2. Last person you slow danced with: umm i have no idea 3. Worst question to ask: I have no idea When was the last time you.. 1. Showered: this moring 2. Had sex: not that i know of ;) :P Just Kidding 3. Had a great time with the opposite sex: Before school or Labor day Weekend AWW What is/who is 1. Your good luck charm: you 2. The person you hate most: no one really 3. The best thing that happened to you today: Presents Favorites.. 1. Color: pink 2. Movie: Napoleon Dynamite 3. Book: Ella Enchanted :-P 4. Subject in school: Physical Sci. Katzer is awesome 5. Juice: yellow 6. Cars: pink 7. Ice cream: Choclate Chip Cookie Dough 8. Holiday: Christmas or My Birthday 9. Season: summer; winter 10. Breakfast food: PANCAKES!! 11. Place to go with your sweetie: well if i had one and we lived by a beach there at night and since i don't just hang out with them under the stars (more aww) Who. . . 1. Makes you laugh the most: annA, ReeKa 2. Makes you smile: I always smile i make me seem like a happy person 3. Gives you a funny feeling when you see them: I don't think i have one 4. Has a crush on you: No Idea do I care not really 5. Do you have a crush on: No one at the moment 6. Has it easier, guys or girls: more guys than girls but pretty much equal Do you/Have I.. 1. Sit by the phone/ wait by the phone all night: not really don't try to get my hopes up much 2. Save AOL/AIM conversations: Every once and awhile 3. Save E-Mails: don't even check it (i think i better) 4. Wish you were someone else: Yes 5. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: not really 6. Cry because of someone's mean words: Nah i try not to cry alot because i feel like vounable (spell) 7. Fallen for your best friend (opposite sex): Maybe? 8. Been rejected: Don't ask people out so no 9. Been in lust: sure 10. Used someone: Not that i can think of right now 11. Cheated on someone: i don't know if you want to call it that but if you think so then yes 12. Done something you regret: at first yes The last person who.. 1. Touched: I'm a touchy feely person 2. Hugged: Maybe anna 3. Had sex with: 10 minutes ago o wait no never 4. Yelled at: my sister 5. Ate with: Family 6. Who broke your heart: I don't ever really think someone broke my heart but closest Tyler Do I.. 1. Color your hair: I'm a Natural Blonde thank you 2. Have tattoos: No 3. Have piercings: my ears 4. Have a bf/ gf/ both: Nope :/ 5. Own a webcam: nope 6. Ever get off the damn computer: Yes 7. Habla espanol: si just a little 8. Quack: who doesn't Do you/ Have you/ Are you? 1. Stolen anything: um some guy i know said i stole panties but then he changed the story to lip gloss but i think he was lying but i did steal a rugrat backpack guess i didn't realize i had it 2. Smoke: no 3. Obssessive: not really anymore 4. Obssessive compulsive: i don't know what the means 5. Panic: just like 2 weeks ago over a note that wasn't even to me 6. Anxiety: maybe 7. Depressed: just alittle 8. Suicidal: not really 9. Obssessed with hate: no i don't hate people 10. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore: I dream of Rainbows and Bunnies okay maybe not but i just dream of whatever was on my mind last or what i'm stressing about 11. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them: wtf? Just a few more questions.. 1. If you could be anywhere, where would you be: Hawaii with that one girl or with Ben, Matt, Kyle, Matt, and AJ 2. Can you do anything freakish with your body: Yes ;) 3. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others: eyes 4. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president: Vote for Kierston or Pedro 5. Would you marry for money: if he was super hott 6. Ever had braces: nope 7. Do you like hairy backs: no 8. When was the last time you had a hickey: no 9. Could you live without a computer: ya probably 10. Do you use ICQ, AOL, AIM, yahoo Messenger, etc.: AOL and MSN 11. If so, how many people are on your buddy list: 185 12. Do you wear white socks: yes but they are boring 13. Do you wear shoes in the house or do you take them off: both 14. What is your favorite fruit: Carrot o wait Apple 15. Do you eat white or wheat bread: both 16. What is your favorite place to visit: Missouri 17. What is the last movie you saw: Napoleon Dynamite 18. Are you photogenic: not really 19. Do you dream in black and white or in color: color 20. Are you wearing nail polish: no 21. Is it chipped or fresh: purple 22. Do you have dimples: no 23. Do you remember being born: of course who doesn't 24. Why do you take surveys: cause i have no life 25. Do you drink alcohol: every 2 minutes geez what kind of questions are these 26. Did you like or love high school: like but middle school was better 27. Do you like sunrises or sunsets: sunsets 28. Do you want to live to be 100:sure 29. Is a flat stomach important to you: yea 30. Do you or have you played with a Ouji board: no 31. Are you loyal: very 32. Are you tolerant of others' beliefs: Yes 33. When you watch movies at home, do you like the light on or off: on 34. What’s a funny word: wink 35. At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn’t real: WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! o wait like 8 36. How many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet: 10? 37. Do you like to wear the same pair of shoes to school everyday or do you like a variety: 3 or 4 pairs 38. Do you write poetry: no i suck 39. Do you snore: no 40. Do you sleep more on your back, stomach, or sides: whatever is comfortable at that moment 41. Do you have a dog or a cat: both 42. Do you lick stamps: no 43. Do you use an electric can opener: no 44. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon: no 45. Which hurts more, physical pain or emotional pain: emotional pain 46. Favorite TV show: To many to say 47. Do you know anyone that is clinically depressed: don't think so 48. Do you prefer the piano or the violin: piano 49. Are you a sex addict: of course 50. Do you know someone that has cancer: no 51. Do you like to argue: no it is pointless 52. Do you hunt: Me and ReeKa to Hunter Safety Class but no 53. Do you like fast food joints or expensive restaurants: fast food 54. Would you rather visit the zoo or an art museum: zoo 55. Are you basically a happy person: outside yes 56. Are you tired: i got 4 hours of sleep and it is 1 at night do you think im tired 57. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today: no 58. Have you ever met anyone off the internet: yes 59. How many phones do you have in your house: like 7 with cells 60. How long is your hair: little longer than shoulder 61. Do you get along with your parents: mom yes dad not so much 62. What color eyes do you prefer: blue is pretty 63. Do you like your name: i guess 64. Were you named after anyone: kinda 65. Do you wish on stars: gave up 66. When did you last cry: a couple of days ago 67. Do you like your handwriting: no 68. What is your #1 priority in life: to stay happy and grades 69. What is your favorite lunchmeat: Peanut Butter 70. Any bad habits: bite the skin around my nails 71. What is your most embarrassing CD, and the most recent CD you purchased: Backstreet Boys but do i care no and Taking Back Sunday 72. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself: of couse 73. Have you told a secret you swore not to tell: maybe but i don't really trust many people 74. Have you stolen anything: didn't they already ask this ya they did 75. Do looks matter: they help 76. Have u ever misused a word and it sounded completely stupid: yes and everytime someone catches me 77. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of each rainbow: they are after me lucky charms and i found one 78. Do fish have feelings: yes 79. Are you trendy: i have no idea people say they like my clothes 80. How do you release anger: making death threats 81. Where is your second home: grandparents 82. Do you trust others easily: nope 83. What was your favorite toy when you were little: AHHH my Nala toy 84. What class in school do you think is totally pointless: Desktop Pub 85. Do you like sappy love songs?: some 86. Have you ever been on the radio or television: maybe? 87. Do you have a journal: no just something to write in when i get sad 88. Do you use sarcasm a lot: all the time 89. Have you ever been in a different country: no 90. What do you look for in a guy/girl: pretty eyes, sweet, not clingy, smells good, and is kinda like me
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Thank you. I looooooove your backgrounddddd!