
Listening to: emily and kristy
Feeling: yummy
RANDOM: what does kansas mean to you: the yellow brick road of course what do you always have in your purse: doctor pepper lip gloss and purel hand sanitizer should there be an all time world king: no, but if there was i dunt think we should kill him if thats whats u mean DO YOU: talk to yourself: not just gunna ignore me love the rain: yes i hope to marry it me nd rain are just friends walk you dog: how did you know i have dog? see youself with children: sure..but they wont be my children have a cat: yes but she's my friend and she spells it with a K ARE YOU: in shape: are YOU in shape? a girl or guy: well its always fun to be both..hehehehe im a girl hehehe...okay im done fat: i hope not pretty:i hope going to get married: well see..maybe not HAVE YOU: been kissed: yeaa had a crush: yup ever done anything with whip cream, other than eat it: i dont play with my food if thats where you're getting at ever broken anyones heart: i hope not, i dont think so DIRECT: what kind of shoes do you wear: my own clothes: mine makeup: mine jewelry: you know im not that materialistic who are you thinking about right now: well i was thinking about going shopping..till u interupted me how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop:..okay i hate this question..first of all, anyone with a life wouldnt count the licks to get to the center of it..and does anyone actually know what the center is? like what of you're holding it at a different angle? does anyone think of that, i bet they dont b/c the world is focused on stupid things liek tootie pops youve just won a brand new plasma TV congradulations!: thank you QUESTIONS: can i borrow you shoes? heck no can i borrow 1 dollar? what in the free world is actaully one dollar? do you take showers? yes. and sometimes baths too if you were told to run around the town naked and were given a small towel, what body part would you cover? umm probably my eyes..hey its always great to try something once
Read 13 comments
yeah i am bad about waking up in a bad mood and on top of that my dad over did it with trying to teach me to drive..BAD
yeah..when i went into driving, i thought it was all going to be easy but i was very wrong. but he took my out on the highway (which i had never been) and was making me do all these turns and i just got really freaked out
hey. you left a comment on my sitD, but i'm not sure if i know who you are. i added you to my friends list anyway, i hope you don't mind! hit me up on the sitD!
thanks! i like yours alot too! and i got the quote off of the layout site that i found that, i just looked at it and was like, hey this is cute and i like the saying! lol

talk to you later,
haha sure i'll help you. Go too a layout site from xanga copy and paste the code and put it in your preferences! umm I'll get a layout site for you and paste it in a comment
haha sure i'll help you. Go too a layout site from xanga copy and paste the code and put it in your preferences! umm I'll get a layout site for you and paste it in a comment

go there and pick a layout and it'll give you the code for the layout and just put it in your pref. :))
haha yeah. that's alright. it's all good. so who are ya? do you have AOL?
i like your diary! and june so totally rocks!
well, i got mine off an xanga site, its really easy, just for example, go to and on the side there will be something that says like Layouts_for_yoo and just click on one of those and a bunch of layout providers will come on one and, then start looking for a layout! and when you find one, copy the code, and go to your preferences, and paste it in the header info!

Happy to help if you need me,
hey yea i no at least i had fun! lol your diarys cute the icon is so ture! im taking your quiz....

lol thx!

yer..hows ur life goin?
hey ash like the new layout! no, i LOVE it cutie!