
i feel so dead again... things keep falling apart.... i thought that it would b a good day but NOOOO i have 2 find out that i might not b able 2 c the 1 who holds my heart for quite some time(if ever again)...i feel like shit and just wished everything would stop on the blowing part..... i have 2 work a 7 tomorrow and im going 2 b feeling even more like shit... this aint kool..... y the fuck does this always happen??? i get 2 a point of bing happy(very hard 2 get to those points) and then ABSOLUTLY EVERYTHING goes down hill.... can any1 tell me that???? i dont think my eyes have been this brenched since my grandmother died.... i wish things would turn out better.... i wish i could disapear and b a hermit in the middle of the woods and died away from every1 and everything so that no1 has 2 know i even died.... never say good bye cause thats 2 hard.........C......U......LATER.....maybe.... neway :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'( dont know if ill return cause its really not worth it nemore Lam Ka. Gedther Tim A. Dwyer to my love: i hope and pray that my heart will keep u happy and that u will 1 day find some1 better than i ever was so that u can completely forget about our days of happy and our days of sad.... i love u and will miss u greatly to my friends: i wish i could have been of more help and of greater times... i failed at both.... i hope that the days we had 2gether were fun and i hope that u may have better 1s to come....... to who ever cares: this is not a good bye note cause i HATE good-byes this is a "sorry" and a "have a better life" note i have never truely been a great friend but those who thought me as a friend were smaked when i left them and i am now appologizing and wishing them luck on future events.........:'(:'(:'(
Read 9 comments reall dissapoint me sometimes tim. Come on. obviously you need help. So stop being a coward and get it, instead of ruining your life like you have been. If you keep thinking about the shit that happens is anything going to get better?? NO! you are 18 years old bud, time to grow up
niice pics foamy rocks!

Why is it that when I read your comments I felt disgusted?? you are 18. Dont you think its about time to grow up and mature a little? it really saddens me tim, I love you so much youre like a brother to me, but you immature acts make me ill. The cds arent done, I have had other things to attend to. Ill talk to you later. btw...did you and leeanne(is that how you spell it?) break up?...
...Im sorry that dumb comments dont tickle my fancy any more lol
i apologize for not being on in like half a month. school has been intense and leaves me with little time for leasure activities. lol. but the last comment you left me was about a christian lifestyle. to me a christian lifestyle not only entails growing closer to God and having a conscious and a mutual relationship with him, but also living your life like you know he wants you to live in order to show others God's light shining through you. it is
extremely important to keep in constant prayer with God and to have a hunger for and study his word. when i say constant i don't mean every second, but consider him like a person you talk to every day. you don't need to bow your head every time you pray, you could do it while you're driving or as you're walking down the street. God always knows your thoughts and is always there. i'm not sure if i answered your question or not, but let me know!
take care & have a great night! God bless, *manda*
make a new entry damnit! lol p.s. you are my hero. :-) im so happy you came to the school today( its the 19th that i am writing this just so u dont get confuzzled lol ) I was soooooooo happy it was awsesome to see you again, loved the hair, it was so...short..and neat. lol brilliance. and the g/f looks very nice. im glad that u 2 are daiting. which btw. i need the scoop on. how u 2 met and shiaaat. well ill speak to you soon my dear friend- foamy
HOOKER! make a new entry!!!!