thoughts from libby

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: useless
i listen to music to drown my thoughts. instead it only traces over every word, with big black texta. i had another panic attack last night, and while i was there crying and gasping for air.. i started thinking - its like i feel every single emotion all at the same time, and they choke me up and i panic...but then i stop,remmeber to breathe, and suddenly i feel them flow through me one by one, and for a slight second all i feel is content. until next time shibby
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awwww shibby :(
i hope your ok
you should have called me
i would have given you some sex

love hannah
dont do drugs.

theyre only temptations when you feel like that.


LOVE camila
lol yea. there's not a lot of bugs here really. and it doesn't snow here where i live but it does in some other parts of califronia. it gets kind of cold though.
yes, i guess, because you told me that you burned yourself..
that's funny about the tv shows.
maybe you're right about putting to much pressure on God. *shrug* nobody says i got it all right.
why do you think She's playing a sick joke on you?

Dusky Greetings
even though ill see you in a minute
and we will make love

love hannah
dim sims are cool.

buuht MERRY CHRISTMAS and Have a Happy NEw Year...

[this is me being cliche... dont u just love it?]

anyway... bye duuude!
You and hannah are insane.

Panic attacks are horrible.

Dont go out with a 21 year old.

Dont pop a 21 year olds waterbed.

Waterbed is code for penis, isnt it!