Listening to: silence
Feeling: different
libbys decided to re-join the D team. missed you all and i know i know you've missed me too. for some reason all my friends have vanished :( its nearly midnight and i need my beauty sleep and all so just quickly. here is whats changed since the last time i spoke.. 1. I got kicked out of school 2. I actually started comming to school 3. I got accepted back into school 4. I got a new job 5. I got fired from new job 6. I planned a holiday to thailand 7. I am over all faggy boys previously mentioned I dont know im happier about life now. weird because things arent that great at the moment... getting kicked out of school deffinatley messed me up. Things just seem clearer, happier for me. Ive realised i do love my family and should stop treating my home as a motel. That my (true) friends will help me through anything and i love them to bits. Ive realised life isnt going to magically hand me the sort of life i want and im going to have to make some sort of plan, and work for it. I still refuse to plan my life and i live for excitment and un-expected events, but if i breeze throught everything ill look back when im 30 and realised ive been waiting for life to find me. Instead im going to find it. Ive realised people only give you so many chances and trust, and that shouldnt be messed with. Ive learnt that im capable of dealing with shitty situations, and am able to laugh at them later. But most of all, which i sort of always knew... i've learnt everything you do each day, has got to be for yourself. not to please others.....or to follow the crowd. Not being selfish - just being yourself. well very inspiring i know but its just how i feel at the moment. It feels like for once things might be ok. ill keep you posted Libby xxx
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lovely to see you again!!!
romina here :) welcome back!
love roro.

go libby. yayayay!!! you're staying at school. :)

woohoot, sounds like you had somekind of life changing big bang thingio. anyways yay!

i love you.

and this entry made me cry.

haha. i give you permission to punch me or push me against lockers tomorrow :D
lol nibby!

now that your allowed to be at school. i rekon you should go study for maths. so that atleast we dont fail general.

yeh ok i dont knwo what else to write.

love you
jermaine xxxxxxxx
im glad ur back =)
its so great to be over faggy boys.