Beauty beware of the Beast

This may come across as a anti-Rob (formerly zellakanz on here but now zellakanzx) post, and maybe it is. And he reckons he doesn't read this so we will see.

It's funny how people get told one side of a story and automatically believe it just because they don't know the person who holds the other side of it.

An example is how Rob says I ignore the things he does for me. Hah. Rob hardly ever does anything that is for someone other than himself and so when he does things for me I notice and I appreciate and I thank him. Then he told me I don't need to thank him every time he does something. So I stopped. Now he things I am ungrateful which is not true. I confronted him about it asking whether he wanted me to thank him every single time he did something, he said no. Seems like he gives his side of the story to gain some pity.

And did I mention the fact he never says thank you or sorry or anything of significance. Example - he reversed into my car the other morning and did not apologize till I asked him to.

For so many years I gave him everything I could. And he took it happily and gave me nothing in return. I have never met someone so self absorbed. And hopefully he is the last of this kind for me to encounter.

Vienna who is apart of this network but I don't think Rob knows her name so for the sake of her keeping her privacy I won't post it - I have never had an issue with you, for goodness sakes I've never even met you. Oh wait I did have an issue with you that night you rung late and we were all asleep. And Rob ignored it the first few times, knowing that it was you, and I was fucked off by it so I answered and told you we were sleeping. Anyway I have always maintained the view that you and Rob are friends and that is fine. No issue with that though not sure what Rob has said. Apparently at one stage he thought I wanted him to stop being friends with you but I have never said such a thing. I understand people needing friends. I know you guys kissed and I don't care. I know about your agreement to have sex when you turned 18. He told me it all. He then told me he wouldn't do it because he was committed to me, that he would keep his word. His words were something along the lines of I haven't had sex with her, I don't want to have sex with her and I won't in the future have sex with her.

One person he did have sex with though is Samantha. And I understand you only just recently found out about this. Maybe some stuff makes more sense to you know.

Oh Samantha Taylor, known on here as shes2cute2care. The hurt you and him caused me. Once. I have moved on with life now. As have you. Congrats on your pregnancy and I hope it goes well for you. She is expecting early 2009 with her partner Kwinten. She feels incredibly used by Rob and is very angry and hurt with him. And who wouldn't be. He strung her along for so long. The only reason he put her out of her misery was because I gave him a day and time by which time he had to have decided whether it was me or her he wanted. Obviously he chose me. Doubt he told her that I had made him choose. He used her just like he used me. Just like he uses everyone to get whatever it is that he wants at the time.

He never makes contact with people till he needs something. Whether it be the need for a friend, someone to listen, someone to drink with, someone to house him, or to give him something. He is fully out for himself. And he knows it. He admitted it to our counsellor. Then he wanted us to stop going. That's when things started going fucked up for us and now we are here. Maybe if we stuck at it we could have pulled through. Maybe.

And he has the audacity to say I don't care. For 3 and a half years I cared. It got me nothing but heartache. Everything he did to me and he thinks I should care. Dream on boy. The amount of stuff I did for you. That should have been enough to show you. But no you wanted more.

I am just reading through his posts now to refresh my mind as to what I wanted to refute when I first read them. Ok so he says I come home and piss and moan. Why? Because he doesn't do a damned thing around the house except what he wants to do (generally something that will benefit him and him alone). And when he does do something for us he quite often does a half arsed job (something he tells me I shouldn't do - big hypocrite he is). I am trying to think of a good example here. Rinsing stuff for the recycling but leaving it on the bench with the dirty dishes instead of putting it in the recycling bin (lame e.g. I know but for now that will have to do).

Back to the hypocrite thing. He told me ages ago to get over Ms Taylor and so you know what? I did. Yet the boy is still not over his "samma" and I doubt he ever will.

All I have to say really is when our relationship was good it fucking rocked. And obviously when it sucked it was absolute shit. But most of all I still remember the good times. Not that it matters because I could have just fabricated them. He doesn't remember a damn thing except what he writes down to remind himself of later.

Oh to have a relationship where 1,2,3 years down the track you are still getting flowers and chocolates and been taken on special little dates.

Gaz, I thank you for all the WONDERFUL years you gave me but most of all the way you treated me. You made me feel like your princess, like I was the most important thing in your world. I have the feeling I will always idolize this relationship and want something as equally fantastic.

Well it has been a long day with the whanau so I must reside to my comfy couch in the hopes of an undisturbed nights sleep.

And for once I haven't proof read this so yea nah.

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my fiancé and i saw a counsellor for awhile until we went on holiday; it was helping us whilst we went, but then we were gone for a month and it just sorta dropped off. we haven't yet resumed, though i've asked him if we could and he actually said yes.
the problem with counsel is that it takes time; if a pair decides to stop going when progress picks up, that ends up negating the improvements that were made. )=

i hadn't realised you wrote here, though perhaps you know who i am as i've noted rob quite often. i saw your name in the chat on the main page & figured i'd be nosy. there are definitely two sides to every story; i apologise for making judgements about your relationship with rob without knowing yours.