3.Far From lonley

WOOP!yesterday night was amazing.more like morning. Jason piccked me up at liek 2...am lol it was UNBELIVABLY WARM! yesterday in the morning and OOO so pretty pretty. WE went to the beach. He brought my fave cd. score. We just sat there and than went on the beach. I made the tightest sand castle. Than I wrote penis in the sand haha. Than I went back to Jasons. Story ends here. TODAY*woooooooa im so fuckin tired. But thats k i had that reallie good prepridge farm bread mmmmm baby its vanilla swirl put it int he toaster...well actually i dunno how to use the toaster so my brother did it. Ya ne ways i had bread. Fed my beaver. I GOT BUDDY PIC! its awesome i have like 500 sexy men ALLL OVER ME! ugh this one kid was in a speedo i was like yo i dont roll like that. Hawthorne hieghts is a reallly good band did You know that. YEah good. Ne ways...to that guy im obssessing over..I hope you suffur the same way I am now, becuase I know you could care less. Everything reminds me of you, everything is you. I hate it when people go oh alex you could have anyone you want, what I want is never there for me when I want it. I know its love, becuase we didn't meet out of my ass we met for a reason. SO RAWR K. Today im going to..eat more bread...smoke bread, BREAD vanilla bread. I gave my beaver sum he didnt enjoy it he enjoyed the raisen one. Whatever rocks his beaver you know. Ya so im going to work out than me and Jason are going to the mall to buy him panties--> If my parents arent asses and decide to let me go. I HATE this grounding shit. Um its gunna rain here...perfect makeout.cuddling weather...wheres my man O WAIT I DONT HAVE ONE. 01. Fallen for a friend?YEAH 02. Made out with JUST a friend?YEAH 03. Rejected someone?YEAH 04. Been in love? 2 times 05. Been in lust? YEAh..evryone has 06. Used someone? Maybe 07. Been used? YEAH 08. Cheated on someone? NEVER 09. Been cheated on? oh man yeah 11. Done something you regret? tons of stuff Who was the last person... 12. You touched? my brother kicked his ass for burning my peice of bread 13. You talked to (phone & in person)? JASON! 14. You hugged? JASON! 15. You instant messaged?LUKE! 16. You kissed? JASON! 18. You yelled at?MY EFFING BROTHER 19. You laughed with? my brother 20. You had a crush on? * YOU THAT ONE FUCKER THAT DOESNT LOVE ME BACK* 21. Who broke your heart? NO* that one fucker again* Do you... 22. Color your hair? yesm 23. Have tattoos? yesm. 24. Piercings? my ears. belly button 25. Have a boyfriend? no asshole 26. Floss daily? ya how do u think my teeth are white 27. Own a webcam? Yeah im live on it every day!haha jjk but i have one 28. Ever get off the damn computer? NOOits my best friend. 29. Sprechen sie deutsche? MM YEAH BABY KEEP GOOING OH YAEH HARDER? 30. Habla espanol? Si Have you/do you/do you have... 40. Considered a life of crime? dood r u nuts? 41. Considered being a hooker? ya i quit 2 months ago 42. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? NO 43. What would you be doing? bread eating bead 44. What are you listening to? THE USED 45. Can you do anything freakish with your body? ummmm my boobies are small haha i want a new rack please mom :( 46. Chicken or fish? Chicken. 47. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? BEAVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Current.. 48. Current Clothes:undies and a cami 49. Current Mood: sleepy 50. Current Music:THE USED 51. Current Hair: Down curly 52. Current Annoyance: my brother 53 Current Smell:BREAD 54. Current thing I ought to be doing: OH SHIT HOMEOWRK! 55 Current Desktop Picture: pink stars :)
Read 6 comments
your fucking ugly !!!!!!MC CRISPY NUGGET!!!! SLUT!!!
lol Matt you're funny... yah she is quite the ... plasticish fake looking one isn't she..
gawd your an idiot, i'm sure you've ate a few mc crispys in your lifetime too. SOoooo i guess your also fat. Go cry about it kiddo.
i luv the rain! ur right it is the perfect make out weather. i've always wanted to make out with someone while standing in the middle of the street at night under the street lights in the rain. hasn't happened yet though *sigh* a guy friend of mine offered to make out with me but i think that might be weird. oh well, it will happen eventually. have a swell night!
what kind of idiot can't use a toaster?
yep jessika i agree... plastic face as well as greasy hair... suits her mcdix type =)
whoa wat r u talkin bout girl, butterflies r wayyy pretty & colorful and plus they can FLY hello! flyin is awesome.

caterpillars, they got those sticky feelin legs and well they just crawl
h0w b0rinGgGgGg.