to me?

June... Hello-o-o-o... anybody out there? spring, yeah... bye. you were terribly beautiful... no beautifully terrible. Ok, so what i've been through.. 1) ... 2) ... no, i'm too lazy to count this stuff. So what i need to say is.. that it's over. I'm tired, so tired of it already. It was fun, but that all was kinda unreal. i mean.. i've thought that all this was happening.. not to me. And... i don't know what i am feeling now. indifference. may be. i'm counting the cows on the fingers to fall asleep. there's a war somewhere or an airplane crashes and i close my eyes. to fall asleep. to wake up and.. understand.. that all this is happening to me.
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im here..but im floating you it makes it hard..
are you sure you are you


of coures cause what else do you know

i know what i like to believe but thenagain i piss my pants i think and my ear hurts