
Feeling: petrified
Not in the mood tonight - cut my hand badly on a razor I was using to take a state park sticker off the windshield. I had to go to the hospital and get the cut cleaned and glued shut, then I had to have a tetanus (sp?) shot. I was lucky, though, that it's on my left hand and on the back. I can't swim for five days, which is not cool as I just bought Anna some sweet sand toys that we tried out today at the beach. Well, it could have been worse. I have all my digits. So I ask you, friends, what was the worst injury you've ever received? What happened? How did you have it repaired? Do tell!
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Well, I must say mine was pretty embarrassing and recent. I'm not sure if Ms Sova told you but it was after Creative Writing and I was reaching up to turn off the silver lamps above the yearbook computers. I ended up toppling off the chair, landing on the computer, and bruising my ribs. She doesn't know that though because she'd feel bad. But it was pretty bad and I felt like a dork.
Hope you heal soon!
Wow I would have to say mine was when I was about ten and I was living in grayling, I climbed trees alot. Well I went to reach for the next branch and I slipped and ripped my stomach open. It was gross. But I went to the hospital and they took care of it. (Hey that was kinda gross)lol

Dan S.
My injuries...broke last 2 toes on right foot when a horse landed on them...got bit under the chin by my aunt's dog...cut my head open on a cement flower pot after tripping over my sister's Legos...tore 1 and a half ligaments in my ankle (my cousin thought it'd be funny to push me off the rock I was standing on)...mostly stupid things, but none were really bad (thank god and knock on wood). Btw...do you have the book for me?? :D
Sarah B.
that isn't good ms. young, ah well the worst injury i ever had is one time i tripped on a pile of logs and my left hand landed on a nail and cut it open around the bottom left of my palm i had to get stiches that is about it
the worst? i’m not sure i could choose one. but since i’ve already started typing in this comment box, i’ll go with the shattered ankle.

incidentally, do you know how long a tetanus shot is good for? i think i may be due.
Worst injury ever...hm, the time i got hit in the face with a golf club. Had to get some stiches, and one of my theeth was loged in place for three years, the dentists were going to pull it, using needles in the process. so i forced it out my self. long story, ask me about it sometime :)
I'll just list all of mine and let you pick which is worst: 14 stitches in eyebrow (headbutted a kid playing soccer in 4th grade), four broken fingers, the others sprained, two sprained wrists, two dislocated shoulders, both dislocated twice, two sprained ankles, one shattered pinky, one nearly-cartilageless knee, thousands of cuts and other wounds, and the coup -- three busted ribs.I get hit a lot.
People wonder why I bruise so easily. :D