New perspective

Feeling: beat
Have spent the entire day working on my on-line graduate class and am washed out tonight, but am fascinated by the class which is about the multiple intelligences and different learning styles that students and teachers have. The class is basically trying to get teachers to hit as many different intelligence strengths and learning styles in each lesson so that every kid in the class feels connected to some part of the lesson. Have you ever felt that you cannot connect with a teacher or subject matter, even if you like one or both? I know I have. I now realize that the teacher favored a certain learning style and intelligence that didn't click with mine. Here are the eight intelligences. Which one is your strongest? 1-Verbal Linguistic: speaking, writing, listening and reading. 2-Logical-Mathematical: finding patterns, making calculations, forming and testing hypothoses, using scientific method. 3-Spatial: representing ideas visually, creating mental images, drawing and sketching. 4-Bodily-Kinesthetic: activities require stregth, speed, flexibility, hand-eye coordination. 5-Musical: listening, singing, playing an instrument. 6-Interpersonal: noticing and responding to other people's feelings and personalities. 7-Intrapersonal: setting goals, assessing personal abilities and faults, in-touch with one's feelings 8-Naturalist: identifying and classifying living things and natural objects. So which intelligences are your best? Which types of lessons get you excited? I'm quite curious about this! On a lighter note . . . Anna had her first swim lesson tonight. How cool it is to see her deal with yet another new experience. It's like living life all over again. Kids are cool (except when they have to go in "time out" because they said "no" to GiGi!) Don't do drugs, kids.
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ok i wont lie the new coldplay cd has a couple decent songs on it...nothing will top parachuts tho...thats alot comeing from me im a metal head(dont tell anyone about the coldplay thying lol)
i'm definatly the first type, i learn through reading, wrighting, and listening.
I'm kind of a mix of three or four (and I understand from most of my classes that such is the norm), but I think I do best in the Spatial way or the Verbal Linguistic way. It really depends on what is being taught, I believe.

And I found a shirt I think I may just get you as a senior gift:
Centered on the front:
"Kiss me, I end my sentences with prepositions!"

i think i'm a mix of 1 the writing one, 6 the inter-personal, and 8 the natural.
p.s. its awsome that Anna is learning to swim. swimming is one of the best skill i have. i hope she'll enjoy it as much as i do.
I think I'm a mix of 1, 5, and 7. Depends on what it is I'm trying to learn I think.
Sarah B
I think i am intrapersonal, by the way hi miss young, this is nathan. I think Ryan has one of these things too, Carla just got me started recently. (ug i felt compeled to edit this before sending it...i bet there is still mistakes though, oh well)
Just thought I'd drop a hello. I hope your summer is going well.
Hi! This is Nicole Winters! I must say that I am a person of linguistic intelligence. Speech and language are the most amazing things as humans we have... it's just so empowering to me.
Howdy Miss Young. I had orientation today at Central and was picking out my english classes but English 101 was completely filled up. I talked to the head of the english department and she told me that because I had such a high english ACT score, she's letting me take a junior-level english class. Masterpieces of Ancient Literature, which my brother said is really hard. I'm excited!