well, that kinda makes me feel unimportant! I feel bad but jessica shouldnt be dealing wiht this the way that she is, i tried to talk to her on MSN but she was pissed off when i talked to her, i could tell by the context of what she was typing to me. I tried i really did but sh epushed me away so no wi cant do anything to help her, the way she is feeling. its okay that she feels that and what not but she is just jealous, and when she hears that she is going to get sooo pissed! but its the truth.and deep down she knows it.
But what am i supposed to do? My friendship with casey, britty,grant,dano,jessica..my friendship with those people are falling apart or already did.she is still good friends wiht all of those people.i,m not and it scares me that im going to leave in 3 months without them!do you kinda know where im going , i got “attached†to them and they just went and hurt me! kinda why we are so close is because you would never do that to me. im sorry i dont really know how to say it.as for me and joanna i have always thought that wwe are good friends, really really. but nevermind.
jr.high was pretty much better then this.. its retarted!!
what next what stupid drama is somebody going to come up with next? that is just making me more and more happy until june!!!!! there is just way to much crap here...ugh i need to get away from it all, the time will come and it will be sad .. ... for them
but im apparently just jealous.. what i dont understand is.. what am i jealous about.. can you explain that to me..?