Hey Guess Wut?..

Feeling: nostalgic
Get your free cute glitters @ Dolliecrave ^^Just thought u should know! I just got my hair pressed out! I am so happy now, cuz it ain't thick and nappy!! Now I'm bout to go hook my hair up for tomorrow. I hate not havin my hair done, cuz I look retarded if I don't have my hair done. But yea... nuthing important to write about at tha moment so, I'll write lata!! I luv ya alwayz....(just felt like sayin that, but I don't luv nobodi on here, I kno, I'm dumb!!) {{~*Tiny*~}}
Read 5 comments
hey thanks for the comment! umm... dizzydez's mom is not letting her come on here cause i don't remember the why though! it sucks! lol but yea i talk to her on aim so yea! lol i like your diary it's cool! where do you get all this stuff? sorry but i have to go ttyl byebye

love always
y yo paage only say anonomyous. any way Yeah! i like it it's coo any who i would like a pic of patrick please well g2g breakfast
ok i will try them holla back
ok i will try them holla back at me
well it is me i didnt logg in when i idid those two comments but holla back at me ok