Listening to: Jimmy Nuetron
Feeling: melodramatic

Soundtrack to your life

Created by realityZer0 and taken 3 times on bzoink!

say your life is a movie. what song would be playing when you/you'r
you just wake upRot- Dry Kill Logic
enter into a roomRooster- Alice In Chains
gotta fuck shit upNever gunna get me- GNR
lay your lover downGoodnight- Dry Kill Logic
sneaking in the shadowsLoco- Coal Chamber
chillin outThe kids are not alright- The Offspring
drivingBig Truck- Coal Chamber
driving fastCemetary Gates- Pantera
pissed offBurn In hell- Dimmu Borgir
happyThis Love- Maroon 5 Heh heh
see that special girl/guy/thingI wanna be sedated- The Offspring
random soundtrack questions
what would come packaged with the soundtrack to your life?DVD with a slide
how much would it cost?You life, and a limb
what would the "parental advisory" sticker say?FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

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Read 3 comments
i was wrong their not getting kicked out of school now. but derek was telling me they might be out of the house. i dont know. to much shit for me...
rot is one of my favourite DKL songs
and actually, i have a signed CD of theirs when they were still called 'hinge'
take care
your boy asks too many questions said the sexy teacher
hows the hell a boy suppose to learn if he an't ask no question said the drunk man
friends are people you can talk to who wants to understand and help