Listening to: Blood Brothers
hard core dancing
is the sex.
I dont know what I'd do without music.
For example there's this girl in my math class who doesnt care for music at all, and LOVES chemistry with as much passion as I love my bass.
Its a bit scary.
But I guess everyone has to have something that they love, because without that drive for existance, there'd be no real point to anything.
Damn these thoughts of mine.
Damn them to Heck.
Well this is me saying goodbye
and happy SpriNg bReaK!!
just kidding.
ta now kiddies
Whats its from?
oh yes and dragostea din tei is the most addicting song EVER!!
It ran through my head all night.
Whoa it just felt like their was a tongue in my mouth that wasnt mine.
ta ta doll
I absolutely love your background too.
thanks for the comments.
maybe 5 more cool points?
Bit late for commenting back, but whatever.
I wouldn´t know what to do without music either.
And I really like your background picture.